There are three main architectural dialogues: 
1] Part to Part/Part to Whole Relationship 
2] Object and Ground Relationship 
3] Inside/Outside Relationship 
In both digital and analogue mediums, the literal animation performs as a manipulation device to initiate the dialogue between the “super component” and the “hosting plane.” The orientational reconfiguration results in a different and scaleless composition of parts and spatial conditions. The use of robotic technology as a design tool aids in expressing ideas and exploring new horizons of architecture.
         This film production was created in Spring 2018 in collaboration with          Steven J Begg for the Graduate Architecture Studio II at Kent State University guided by professor Ebrahim Poustinchi.
This project revisits the architectural concept of inside/outside in conjunction with part to whole relationships through a robotically animated “heterogeneous” mixture of parts. The animated parts interact with each other formally and spatially to create various configurations. The three primary components of the composition consist of the “super object,” which hosts the “super component,” and the “hosting plane” that the object and component rest on. The hosting plane, or field of vectors, is the result of the impact and placement of the “super object” and “super component.” The qualities of the “super object’s” form manifest through pixilation/voxel and literal/phenomenal puzzle as well as the intersection of two differing geometries.
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